3 Backup Mistakes and Better Ways to Protect Your Data

Most business owners know that it’s important to back up data, but not everyone knows how to do that well.

Let’s look at some bad ways to protect data and how a business might improve its methods.


  1. Perform a major backup once a month.
    Some firms backup their critical files once a month. We understand why. It can take a long time to collate and backup all of your essential data.Even when it doesn’t take a long time, it can feel like time when you should be working on your core objectives, not preparing for something that might never happen.

    “Once a month should be frequent enough to keep my data safe. Right?”

    If disasters only happened on the first day of the month, a monthly backup might work. Disasters, however, do not have a fixed schedule.

    Since a disaster and data loss can happen at any time, you should ensure that your essential data is backed up frequently. Our disaster recovery plans have contiguous save points, allowing you to restore your system from different times.

  2. Keep your backup on-site
    Some business owners think that having data off-site means that it is unprotected.“If you can keep it on site, you can physically secure it. Right?”

    One of the problems of using only an on-site backup is that if a disaster occurs on the premises – whether that is a virus a fire or a natural disaster – you risk losing all your data and all your backups at the same time, for the same reason.

    For a robust backup and disaster recovery system, you must have at least one copy of the data off-site. Using a cloud-based backup system has the benefit of being accessible from any location.

  3. Create a staff rota for backup duties
    Doing a backup can be a pain. As we suggested, it takes time. And time is money.“For this reason, it’s a good idea to share the responsibility among my staff. Right?”

    Trusting your data to staff without IT skills invites errors to one of the most important parts of your business. And the more people you have involved in the process, the greater the likelihood of mistakes.


According to Computer Weekly, human error is the cause of more data loss than malicious attacks.

You can solve such issues by automating your backup system and/or outsourcing the responsibility to professionals, such as Tor Technologies.

If you lost your data, wouldn’t it be nice to click your fingers and have it back, from the exact point where things went wrong? With our backup solutions, you can achieve this.

You won’t even need to click your fingers. With our proactive approach and monitoring, we’ll already be working on your behalf.

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